We now they need to learn how to climb yet are also a big uncoordinated about it and don’t want them falling and hurting themselves, nor climbing fabrics (aka leather!) that we don’t want them to. Therefore, we have been giving them access to things that we are okay with them learning on - scratching posts and an old blanket falling over the sides of the bed.
Mydnight started really getting the hang of climbing up the blanket and scaled it in no time flat last night when we were in the room taking pictures. However, she isn’t totally sure how to get down things yet. She had learned how to scale the towel over the tub side and then get back down but so far, has only figured out how to get up the bed, not back down.. but knowing her, it won’t take her long to figure it out and if she gets stuck, mamma is always nearby to help her babies.
Here are a couple of photos and a layout I did about Mydnight from last night.

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