Mike tried giving them the little kitteh toys to see if they were interested in checking them out yet as they are really beginning to move around and be curious about things. Ash looked a lot but didn’t really get what they were yet.

Brit was more interested in chatting and giving dadda a little kiss.

Masq was of a similar feeling as Brit. She just wanted to curl up with dadda and watch the others move around and play with their wobbly legs.

Mydnight gave the toys a go... or rather a little prodding and chew. He decided he didn’t think they tasted very good but were still fun to push around a little and investigate closer.

Nugget was busy wobbling around investigating things and didn’t feel like pausing to have his photo taken until I was taking Masq’s and then he wanted in the shots and even gave that adorable little look that even fuzzy, he steals the shot from Masq.

Smirk was a posing little princess at times as well. She did have fun wobbling around the bed but every once in awhile she needed a break, she would sit down and beg you to take her photo. Photos need to be on her time table and so worth it when they are.

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