Ash was happy to be set in the fluffy bag and instead of staying awhile and then moving on to investigate other things, she was happy to stay put and just chill out for the entire photo shoot. She would get up and move around in the fluffy bag a little but there was no leaving it. She was comfy!

Brit decided it was a good night to try out what climbing was all about. The tub hasn’t given her a good chance to try it out yet but Mike on the other hand proved to be quite handy... and he was thankful that he was wearing jeans and her nails are still tiny. She managed to climb her way up, get onto his leg and then promptly took a little tumble down the side of his leg back onto the bed and her siblings which were watching her intently to see what she was doing. Always the first to do anything, she kept her track record in tact with climbing developments.

Masq is a total dadda’s girl. She is happy to chill out and cuddle up against Mike. I think she was wanting him to give her a little more head room though.

Mydnight was being a bit of a little poser not letting Ash have all the lime light. However, he was proving to me that I still need to work on my lighting arrangement especially when I am trying to get his photo. Being pure black sure plays havoc with trying to get him lit well and in focus.

Nugget thought he would see what all the comfy fuss was with the fluffy bag but Ash was not budging. He could join her to check it out but then she was quickly there telling him it was time to leave. He gave me this little look of “but, I want some time in it too...” pout and look cute. He quickly forgot about the bag and was back off wobbling around investigating things.

Smirk decided to try her hand at mimicking their fluffy bear friend with a “i’m peering over the edge of something in wonder” impression. She is proving to be quite the impressionist. The other night she gave me her Mydnight impression and now her Mr. Bear impression. You are impressive little one... and a camera lover... if I hadn’t been in the wrong mode and captured the photo in tiny resolution, I would post the photo I have of her checking out my camera and lens when I put it on the bed for a moment to use Mike’s camera to take a short video of them playing.

You kids are getting more and more adorable everyday and beginning to really show individual personalities.
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