Time is just flying by it seems. They continue to grow everyday and are getting better at moving around on their own.
Last night, we brought the family out onto the bed again for another photo shoot.

This time, however, Mydnight decided that he had a cute enough photo from the previous one so hid from the camera most of the time or stuck close to siblings. He did not give me much choice in choosing a photo for him as I have only a handful of him from yesterday to choose from... so for his shot, he is sharing the limelight with his sister, Brit.

Brit on the other hand, she doesn’t seem phased by the camera much... a little curious about it even. Curious is a good way to describe Brit at the moment. She seems to be the first one to check things out and learn new things. She had a little chat with dadda last night and told him that he was doing a good job filling in for their furry daddy who isn’t around.

Masq was also an elusive one last night and tried to hide behind siblings or their fluffy bear friend. She is also curious but a little more subtle about it and sneaky. She seems to live to investigate hands and tails. The pink people still kind of confuse her as to why we are here.

Ash had a little chat with their fluffy bear friend. She wasn’t sure she liked the fluffy bag that bear was investigating at first but then warmed up to it or rather it kept her nice and toasty warm and cuddly which is what Ash is all about these days. She likes to cuddle up to her siblings or even better, to mamma. She is a mamma’s girl.

Nugget also had a chat with bear. His conversation was a little more listening than talking as Nugget likes to take in everything happening around him and quietly listen. The fact that he sat still for this long to chat with bear was a great feat as Nugget likes to quietly move around checking everything out. Not a flashy one making it known what he is up to but definitely one to know what is happening at all times.

And then there is Smirk. She was the queen of the photo shoot last night. She posed and posed and waited patiently in each pose to make sure that I had enough time to get the tough focusing on her dark features captured. She loved hanging out in the fluffy bag with bear. Smirk even gave us a couple of poses where she hid her mustache in the fluffings so that she looked like her brother Mydnight who was hiding from the camera. How thoughtful but you didn’t fool us Smirk, we knew it was you and not Mydnight but you did a remarkable job at trying to convince us.

Their latest weights are sitting in a note on Mike’s ipod so I will update those once I grab it from him tonight. We will also see if they are up to being weighed again tonight... they aren’t always too willing to be weighed. They may take after their mamma and be weight conscious.
Clousette has been a little funny for her eating likes and dislikes. We had switched her to kitten food just before she gave birth and she was eating some but not a lot. This wasn’t surprising to us from what we read about cats getting ready to give birth. However, she still wasn’t eating a lot right after giving birth and you could tell that she was pretty weathered from all the feeding she had been doing with the babies. She snuck out of the bedroom one day early on and made a beeline straight to the other cats’ food dishes. She gobbled up their food... the DIET food! We guess she wanted to get her pre-kitteh figure back quickly.
We knew that wasn’t going to be a good idea for her and the babies so we started mixing the foods and she has been extremely happy with that. She now gets a mix of the outdoor full nutrient cat food, the kitteh food and the indoor diet food. She perked back up again and looks no worse for wear for feeding 6 little kittehs many times a day now. Mamma is looking good!

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