Friday, August 28, 2009

Sad but Happy Times

It is sad but also happy times... 3 of our little guys are headed off to their new homes this weekend and another one is heading out in another week.

Nugget and Brit will be the first to head out tomorrow afternoon. Originally, Nugget was just heading out tomorrow but the lady adopting him has decided that she would like Nugget to have a companion. She had originally been debating between Nugget and Brit and then decided on Nugget for sure as his photos just tugged her emotions hard as being the one. Today, she inquired about whether Brit and Nugget were good friends and they are best buds. So she has decided to give them both a home with her. I am sure Brit and Nugget will appreciate being kept together as they are often playing with one another and have similar personalities. They both love to play tackle and sneak up unsuspectingly on the other one and then chase each other.

Then on Sunday, Masq is headed out to his new family and home. He is going to a couple’s home with their other family member, Maggie, a 38lb dog. Maggie and Masq seemed to get along well when Maggie came over to meet him. At the time, Masq was more interested in playing with his brothers than with Maggie but was one of the few kittens to not be phased one bit by Maggie and even was curious and investigative as soon as she came in. Once he had investigated her and determined she was okay, he went right back to playing with his brothers. So as kitten and dog combos go, we think they will work things out fine and become good companions for one another fairly quickly.

It is going to be nice to know that they have new homes to go to and people to love and get attached to them. We love them and are fairly attached but we have known from the beginning that we would have to let them go so have been preparing for this day... it is just still hard that it is coming now. Time has flown by!

On Thursday, the boys went in for their “special vet visit” to be fixed so we only had mamma and Mydnight home as we have decided to wait longer before having Mydnight fixed as the female operation is a lot more involved and we would like her to be a bit older first. It was amazingly a LOT quieter just having our own 3 and mamma and Mydnight around. Mamma and Mydnight are both pretty calm kittehs so it didn’t seem like much difference with those 5 home as our normal 3 seem. When the boys returned on Friday morning, it was back to the fun but chaotic times of a full household. With the boys around, Mydnight plays a little more and the boys definitely play a lot more.

So having 3 boys leaving this weekend, the 3 most active boys, it is going to be a noticeable difference come Monday morning I am sure.

Ash has a home to go to but won’t be leaving until about Labor Day as he is going home with our friends Amy and Jared. They are taking him back to a friend and coworker of Amy’s who fell in love with Ash at first sight. He is an adorable and cuddly “little” guy. Hard to really call him a “little” guy as he is by far the sturdier build of all the kittens. He is built differently than the rest and such a different coloring than anyone else. He is a mix of cuddle monster and play with me monster. He is an adorable monster and I am sure is going to make Dana a good kitten.

That leaves the two that Mike and I have been going back and forth on wanting to keep for ourselves, Mydnight and Smirk, without homes yet. We are playing it by ear. If we find them homes, we will try to as we believe it would be more fair to them and to our other cats if they had families of their own. However, they are welcome to stay with us as long as is needed to find them good homes.

We think it would be best if we went back to just our 3 so will continue trying to find Mydnight, Smirk and Clousette homes. We love them all but those 3 really have bonded much more with us than the 4 that have found homes so it will be especially hard when it comes time to let them go off to new homes.

So it is sad times but also happy times... new families, new beginning, everlasting in our hearts and memories...


Lauren Beatty said... 1

Thank you so much for letting me be Nugget and Brits Mommy :D
I'll keep you updated with pictures as they grow, and you're welcome to visit with your cats for playtime if you end up keeping momma or the other kittens!
<3 Lauren

August 28, 2009 at 9:37 PM
Miya (Chatty bird" said... 2

Bittersweet times! I know the feeling, but they will have loving homes and you have given them a good start. In the next couple weeks, I will have to adopt out Penelope and Star and I have become so attached, I will miss them!

September 5, 2009 at 4:52 PM

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