Monday, August 3, 2009


The kittehs are definitely more active and playful lately, especially anytime we come in the vicinity of them. They grab their kittehnaps while we are off doing grown up things. Clousette is even now getting in on some of the fun. In this video, she is mainly just watching the kittehs and making sure noone is beating up on anyone else excessively. She does get into letting them play with her tail and swoosh it around for them to pounce.

It has been easier lately to get some video of them than it has been to photograph them as you may notice from this short video, they don't stay put in any one place for long.

Hopefully, I have figured out this video thing a little better and choosing music to go with it, uggg.. but think that the fun playful toon of this is fitting for their fun antics.


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