Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ash playing dog

A little video of Ash playing with Mike... we are beginning to wonder if he has parts dog to him. The sounds isn't the greatest but if you listen closely, you can hear him growl from time to time when he has the toy in his teeth. He does this when playing with toys, he will grab it in his mouth and then pull at it & shake it about, growling the whole time. It is his play style. He does it to his little octopus toy all the time and is adorable to watch.

Due to unforeseen allergies, Ash is still looking for a home. Wouldn't he make a lovely addition to yours?


Mike G. said... 1

LARD DOILY! Sorry Cosmo, can't resist when you are on the back of my chair like that.

September 23, 2009 at 7:19 AM

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